hey buddy how's it going. i don't really know what to say i haven't talked to you in forever. i miss you so much. i got a girlfriend, her name is caitlin elizabeth thompson, she is 16 years old and is so beautiful. we have been going out for 4 months and it will be 5 months on the 16th of february. but yeah, enough about me. i was listening to the radio the other day and i heard a song called "who you'd be today" by kenny chesney and here is how the song goes.
Sunny days seem to hurt the most
I Wear the pain like a heavy coat
I feel you everywhere I go
See your smile, I see your face
I hear you laughing in the rain
Still can't believe you're gone
It ain't fair you died too young
Like a story that had just begun
But death tore the pages all away
God knows how I miss you
All the hell that I've been through
Just knowing, no one could take your place
Sometimes I wonder, who you'd be today
Would you see the world
Would you chase your dreams
Settle down with a family
I wonder what would you name your babies
Someday's the sky's so blue
I feel like I can talk to you
And I know it might sound crazy
Sunny days seem to hurt the most
I wear the pain like a heavy coat
The only thing that gives me hope
Is I know, I'll see you again someday
when i heard this song for the first time the first thing that popped into my head was you and how much this song relates to how every one feels down here. well i got to go the super bowl starts in 5 1/2 hours and i got to go to rockville and get things set up for my eagle project. i think about you all the time and we all miss you down her bud. well i am gonna go before i start crying. i love you like a brother.
- brad